Fighting Unarmed All characters are capable of lashing out with available limbs and other appropriate body parts as an unarmed attack. The standard unarmed attack for a Medium or Small character deals 1d6 x2 bludgeoning damage (see Unarmed Attack in the [[Weapons Chapter]]). Unarmed attacks against objects with at least 1 point of hardness deal […]
Tag: feats
Two-Weapon Fighting
Fighting With Two Weapons Any character may wield a second weapon in their non-dominant hand (known as your off hand). If they do, they may choose to make an attack with that weapon instead of with their main hand weapon at no penalty. Two-Weapon Fighting Feats Two-Weapon Combat [Battle Stance, Combatant] Benefit: While in […]
Two-Handed Weapon Fighting
Fighting While Wielding a Weapon in Two Hands A character who wields a weapon in both hands adds twice their STR bonus to damage rolls that add STR modifier to damage rolls. If you are allowed to deal a multiple of your STR modifier to a damage roll, you increase that multiplier by one. […]
Sword and Board Fighting
Contrary to the name of combat style, ‘Sword and Board’ fighting refers to any style of combat that involves wielding a shield in the off hand. Fighting with Weapon and Shield When a character wields a light or one-handed weapon in one hand and a shield in the other, they receive the shield’s relevant […]
Expert Ear
Expert Ear [Bard] You have learned to listen: for music, for advice—and for hidden enemies. Prerequisite: Trained in Perception, Instrumentalist or Vocalist Bardic Knack Benefit: You are aware of the square creatures are in if you can hear them even if you can’t see them. You are not considered flatfooted against creatures who […]
Echolocation [Bard] By calling a bit of power into yourself, you enhance your hearing and how you process hearing to incredible levels. Prerequisites: Trained in Perception, Expert Ear Benefit: As a Standard Action, you may spent 1 SP. If you do, you can detect objects and creatures as if via darkvision as long […]
Practiced Quadrille
Practiced Quadrille [Bard, Dance] This elegant but highly regimented square dance fosters teamwork in motion. Prerequisite: Dance Caster Benefit: While this Dance is active, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when passing through squares adjacent to your allies and your allies do not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving through squares adjacent […]
Endless Waltz
Endless Waltz [Bard, Dance] A dance of such fluid grace and beauty that merely witnessing it inspires feelings of freedom. Prerequisite: Dance Caster Benefit: While this Dance is active, you add your CHA modifier to saves vs effects that would entangle, immobilize, paralyze or otherwise hinder your movement and to CMD vs grapples […]
Capoeira [Bard, Dance] The Dance of War is one of the few pure fighting styles taught in bardic colleges. By imbuing yourself with the power of the Song, you becomes a magnificently efficient fighter. Prerequisite: Martial Rhythm Bardic Knack Benefit: While this Dance is active, add your CHA modifier to DEX-based skills and […]
Dance Caster
Dance Caster [Bard, Battle Stance] You conjure the power of the Well through rhythmic motion and practiced steps. Prerequisite: Any one Bardic Knack Benefit: While in this battle stance, you may move up to half your speed (minimum 2 squares) as part of the action of casting a spell. If you do, this […]