Mobile Defense [Rogue] Being constantly on the move keeps you alive. Benefit: Whenever you move your full speed in a turn, you gain a +1 feat bonus to AC and an additional +3 feat bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity until the start of your next turn.
Tag: feats
Forest Strider
Forest Strider [Rogue] Experience with the fickle footing of the wilds, your step has grown light and balanced. Prerequisite: Trained in Survival Benefit: Choose a biome (forest, desert, swamp, etc) You suffer no penalty to movement from natural hazardous terrain in that biome.
Effective Distraction
Effective Distraction [Rogue] Your dogged attacks leave enemies filled with paranoia. Prerequisite: Trained in Intimidate Benefit: Whenever you use your Distracting Gambit, the penalties gain a duration of save ends (Will save DC 10 + ½ level +CHA or INT modifier). Additionally, your Distracting Gambit costs you 2 FP instead of 3.
Agile Footwork
Agile Footwork [Rogue] Keeping your motions fluid and constant in combat allows you to evade your foes while constantly harrying them. Prerequisite: Trained in Acrobatics Benefit: Whenever you use your Agile Gambit, the resultant movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Additionally, your Agile Gambit costs you 2 FP instead of 3. […]
Wand Caster
Wand Caster [Mage, Magical Aid] You have trained to use a wand to direct your magical attacks and reduce the range of motion you need to cast. Benefit: While using a wand as a magical aid, you treat your level as if it were two higher for the purposes of Ray and Beam spells […]
Vox Affinity
Vox Affinity [Mage, Affinity] By nature or training, you are naturally attuned with the energy of void, vox. You are drawn to the power of a universal force. Benefit: You gain the following benefits: +5 feat bonus to Spellcraft checks to cast Vox rituals. +1 feat bonus to the DC of any Vox spell […]
Vin Affinity
Vin Affinity [Mage, Affinity] By nature or training, you are naturally attuned with the energy of air, vin. Flexible and mercurial, you both bend without breaking. Benefit: You gain the following benefits: +5 feat bonus to Spellcraft checks to cast Vin rituals. +1 feat bonus to the DC of any Vin spell you cast. […]
Spellbook Caster
Spellbook Caster [Mage, Magical Aid] You have trained to unlock and utilized the secrets locked inside mystic spellbooks. Benefit: While using a spellbook as a casting aid, you treat the spells inside as spells known and add twice its superiority bonus to Spellcraft checks. Special: You may only use one magical aid at […]
Psi Affinity
Psi Affinity [Mage, Affinity] By nature or training, you are naturally attuned with the energy of the mind, psi. Mind masters matter. Benefit: You gain the following benefits: +5 feat bonus to Spellcraft checks to cast Psi rituals. +1 feat bonus to the DC of any Psi spell you cast. Any action you are […]
Flaer Affinity
Flaer Affinity [Mage, Affinity] By nature or training, you are naturally attuned with the energy of fire, flaer. Its flame burns like your passion and zeal. Benefit: You gain the following benefits: +5 feat bonus to Spellcraft checks to cast Flaer rituals. +1 feat bonus to the DC of any Flaer spell you cast. […]