Landon Porter

Interacting with Objects

  Carrying, Lifting, and Dragging Load Strength A character’s ability to carry items is determined by a combination of their STR score and their size. This is expressed as a number known as the character’s Load STR.   In order to find a character’s Load STR, start with the character’s STR score, add any bonuses […]

Leveling Up

  When leveling up, consult the table for your character’s class for new Class Abilities for your new level, increase your personal hit points and assign new skill points based on your class, then adjust any level-based calculations on your character sheet such as Saving Throws, AC and Spell DCs. Some feats and items grant […]

Creating a Character

Choose Species The character’s species is the species they belong to. It determines a number of special attributes and abilities they have as well as determining what background feats they can take, and their access to racial feats.   The species available to play in this book are:   Dwarf While traditional and stalwart in […]


  AlightA creature that is alight is on fire. They: Take 1d4 fire damage plus 1d4 damage for every turn they’ve been alight at the start of their turn. As a full round action, a creature can fall prone and roll to put themselves out, removing this effect. Submersion in non-flammable liquid will also end […]

Actions in Combat

  Aid Another Characters may work to create openings, act in tandem or otherwise help an ally both in combat and out. This is the Aid Another action, and can be taken by any creature as a Standard Action.   In combat, you may aid any ally within your melee reach, granting them either a […]

Action Economy

Action Economy Actions represent the different things you can do during an encounter while the type of action dictates how long it typically takes to perform said action.   During each round of an encounter, a character may typically perform a standard action, a move action, a minor action and a reaction as well as […]

Combatant Techniques

Below is a list of techniques available to Combatants: Bob and Weave Bring Them Down Combat Coordination Deadly Arc Flurry of Blows Get Over Here I Never Miss Pour on the Pressure Rallying Assault Rapid Reload Regroup Spinning Cane Supporting Fire Surgical Strike Trick Loading Wrangle                

Rogue Tactics

Agile Fighting Style Choose a weapon category. Light weapons of that category gain the Finesse keyword while you are wielding them. This Tactic can be taken multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different weapon category.   Bloodletter Prerequisite: Sneak Attack +1d6 Whenever the rogue deals precision damage, they may voluntarily reduce their bonus […]

Bard Knacks

Performer   Instrumentalist [Performer Knack] You may play a musical instrument to supply the verbal component of spells you cast.   Add the enhancement bonus of the instrument to damage dealt by spells cast in this way.     Enduring Performance [Performer Knack] Prerequisite: Instrumentalist   Spells with a Concentration Duration you cast using the […]

Action Points

Where hit points represent the ability of a character to survive and keep fighting, and fatigue points represent a character’s capability when it comes to pulling off complex and involved maneuvers, Action Points represent a confluence of luck, opportunity, and maybe a burst of adrenaline that allow characters to pull off amazing feats they normally […]