Interacting with Objects


Carrying, Lifting, and Dragging

Load Strength

A character’s ability to carry items is determined by a combination of their STR score and their size. This is expressed as a number known as the character’s Load STR.


In order to find a character’s Load STR, start with the character’s STR score, add any bonuses they have to STR from race, feats, items or any other sources, then apply a a +2 size bonus for every size category above Medium or a -2 size penalty for every size category below Medium.


The result (minimum 1) is the character’s Load STR, which can then be used to determine how much a character can carry, lift or drag.


Carry Weight

A character’s Carry Weight is how much they may carry without being slowed down or otherwise impeded by the weight and bulk. Carry Weight is the character’s Load STR x 10. Carrying items above this weight causes the character to be slowed.


Lift Weight

A character’s Lift Weight is how much a character can lift over their head and still be able to move, however staggering. Lift Weight is the Character’s Load STR x 20. Carrying items above this weight means a character may only move 1 square a round and grants combat advantage to any creature attacking them.


Drag Weight

A character’s Dag weight is the absolute limit that a character can push or drag around. While pushing or dragging an object that exceeds their Carry or Lift weight, a character suffers any conditions they might as if they were carrying it


Throwing Objects

A character may throw any object they can carry that is one category smaller than itself or smaller. Treat the object as an Improvised weapon with a range increment of 2 and damage determined by its size based on the table below:

Object Size





















Throwing Grenade Weapons

Grenade weapons are a class of weapons, usually alchemical in nature, that have effects in an area of effect around them whether or not they hit their intended target.


On a miss with a grenade weapon, the user rolls a d8 to determine which adjacent square the grenade lands in. Number the squares with 1 being the closest square to the grenade’s user, then proceeding clockwise. The attack then resolves as if that square were the target square.


Throwing Massive Objects

A creature may take a -5 penalty to their Load STR and a -2 penalty to the attack roll per size category above what they could normally throw to throw an object larger than one size category or smaller.


If the thrown object is size Large or Larger, instead of a normal attack, the character make an attack roll against AC 10, targeting a number of squares equal to the target’s space within range (a space is within range as long as one square of it is within range). On a hit, all creatures occupying the target squares must succeed on a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + ½ thrower’s level + thrower’s STR modifier) or take damage based on the object’s size from the above table.


Creatures smaller than the thrown object that fail their Reflex saving throw to avoid being hit by it must succeed on and Edge save. Success means they are repositioned to the nearest square not occupied by the thrown object. Failure means the creature is knocked prone an trapped under the object.


Creatures caught under massive objects may only move 1 square per round and take bludgeoning damage equal to half the object’s thrown damage at the start of each turn.


On a miss, treat the throw object like a grenade (described above) with the center of the targeted space treated as the target square to determine where it actually lands and then treat that space as if the thrower hit that space instead.


Attacking Objects

Unattended objects had an AC of 10 with a +2 bonus to AC for every size category they are smaller than the attacker and a -2 penalty to AC (minimum 2) for every size category they are larger than the attacker.

The hardness of an object is multiplied by 1 plus the number of size categories it is larger than the attacker plus any Superiority bonus it might have. This hardness is subtracted from all non-sonic damage dealt to the object. Objects are immune to psychic damage.

If the Hardness type of the object is Flexible, its hardness is divided by half vs slashing attacks.

If the Hardness type of the object is Rigid, its hardness is divided by half vs bludgeoning attacks.

Unattended objects caught in area effects that require a saving throw fail that save automatically.

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