Rogue Tactics

Agile Fighting Style

Choose a weapon category. Light weapons of that category gain the Finesse keyword while you are wielding them. This Tactic can be taken multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different weapon category.



Prerequisite: Sneak Attack +1d6

Whenever the rogue deals precision damage, they may voluntarily reduce their bonus damage from Sneak Attack by 1d6 to instead give the target bleeding 1. The rogue can reduce their bonus damage by an additional 1d6 for every 3 character levels they have to a maximum of their total bonus from Sneak Attack.


By Leaps and Bounds

The rogue may Take 10 on all Jump checks. Movement from Jumping grants a +2 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity.


Combat Poise

The rogue may run or charge while balancing on a surface with Acrobatics. They may Take 10 on Acrobatics checks at any time.


Deceptive Fighter

The rogue may use the Feint usage of Misdirection as a Move Action.


Distracting Setup

Once per round, when the rogue misses with an attack that would otherwise do precision damage, they may allow an ally adjacent to the target to make a Basic Strike against them.


Divine Training

The rogue gains a Tier 1 Prayer from the Cleric Prayer list. This Tactic can be taken more than once. Each time, it applies to a new Prayer.



Whenever the rogue passes a Reflex save for half damage, they take no damage.


Improved Evasion

Prerequisite: Evasion, Character Level 10

Whenever the rogue fails a Reflex save for half damage, they take only half damage.


Mystic Training

The rogue gains a Tier 1 Array from the Mage Array list. This Tactic can be taken more than once. Each time, it applies to a new Array.


Pragmatic Murder

The rogue is capable of dealing precision damage with improvised weapons and weapons they are not proficient with.


Relentless Ambush

Once per encounter, when you deal precision damage to a flat footed target, that target remains flat footed against you until the end of your next turn.


Sneak Attack

The rogue adds an additional +1d6 precision damage to any attack that deals precision damage. This Tactic can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.


Take the Opening

Whenever the rogue is missed by a melee attack by 5 or more, they may make a Simple Strike against the attacker as a reaction.


Technique Training

The rogue gains a Tier 1 Technique from the Combatant Technique list. This Tactic can be taken more than once. Each time, it applies to a new Technique.


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