Actions in Combat
Aid Another
Characters may work to create openings, act in tandem or otherwise help an ally both in combat and out. This is the Aid Another action, and can be taken by any creature as a Standard Action.
In combat, you may aid any ally within your melee reach, granting them either a +2 competence bonus to their next attack roll or or to Saves and AC vs the next attack or effect that allows a saving throw that target them.
Outside of combat, you may aid any ally in performing any skill. In doing so, you grant a +2 competence bonus to that next skill roll.
If you have an Expertise that applies to the skill roll, you may add your circumstance bonus from that expertise to the competence bonus you grant when aiding another.
If you are Trained in the skill you are aiding, you may make a Skill check on your own, granting a circumstance bonus to the aided character’s skill roll equal to the result divided by 10.
Attack of Opportunity
Some actions can distract the person performing them or otherwise leave them particularly open to attack. Taking advantage of such openings is known as an attack of opportunity.
Attacks of opportunity are always reactions triggered by one of two things:
1) A target within melee reach performing an action listed or described in the rules as provoking an attack of opportunity.
2) A target within a square within melee reach leaving that square.
Certain feats and abilities might cause these actions to not trigger an attack of opportunity or cause actions that do not normally trigger them to do so.
Basic Strike
The Basic Strike is, as the name implies the basic attack any character can use as a Standard Action. It comes in two forms: melee and ranged.
Melee: Make a single melee attack against one target within reach with a bonus equal to ½ level + STR modifier vs the target’s AC. On a hit, deal 1WD + STR modifier to the target.
Ranged: Make a single ranged attack against one target within within 5 times the range increment of the ranged weapon with a bonus equal to ½ level + DEX modifier vs the target’s AC. On a hit, deal 1WD + DEX modifier to the target.
Some effects will dictate that you may only make a ranged or melee Basic Strike.
Some techniques and abilities call for a character to use a basic strike in addition to other actions as part of a normal action, combining the basic strike with whatever other effects the ability or technique calls for.
Simple Strike
A Simple Strike is as a Basic Strike except it cannot be substituted for a technique or ability that could be used to substitute for a Basic Strike.
Example: Attacks of opportunity allow a character to make a simple strike against a target under some circumstances. The technique Bring Them Down allows a character to use that technique in place of a Basic Strike after 9th level. A 9th level character with Bring Them Down cannot use that technique as part of an Attack of Opportunity because that action requires a simple strike, not a Basic Strike.
Charging represents a headlong rush against the enemy to deliver a powerful attack.
Charging is a special action that requires both a Standard and a Move Action to use.
When using a Charge Action, the character must move at least 4 squares in a straight line. At the end of that movement, they may Basic Strike with a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack. After the attack, the character cannot use any more movement.
If the character uses Push or a technique that causes a push effect as their Basic Strike, the target is pushed an additional 1 square.
Charging costs 2 Focus Points to use.
Coup de Grace
A Coup de Grace is the striking down of a helpless enemy.
You may perform a Coup de Grace against a helpless enemy within reach as a Standard Action. You may use any Action or Technique that would deal damage against the target as long as it takes less than a Full Round Action.
On a hit, the hit is automatically a critical hit. If you deal damage equal to or greater than the target’s taxed value, the target is immediately reduced to 0 hit points.
Delay an Action
A character may choose to take no actions on their initiative in order to wait for other allies and enemies to act first. Once a character chooses to delay their action, they may choose to take their turn after any other character finishes their turn.
If a character delays until there are no other characters in the initiative order, they then must take their turn, though they may still choose not to use any of their actions.
The Disarm action represents the ability to relieve enemies of wielded weapons and other items or disabling natural weapons.
Use the Disarm action in place of Basic Strike or Standard Action against a creature within Reach that provokes an attack of opportunity from the target. You must declare you are using Disarm before rolling the attack.
To Disarm an enemy, roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If you succeed, one object the target is holding falls to the ground at their feet. If you beat the target’s roll by five or more, you may have the weapon fall one additional square away from them for each 10 points by which you exceed their roll.
If you disarm a creature not wielding or carrying an object, the target suffers a -2 penalty to attack and CMB rolls for the rest of the encounter.
You suffer a -2 penalty to the CMB roll for every size category larger than you your attacker is.
Disarming an enemy costs 2 Focus Points to use.
Feinting is the use of misdirection to force one’s opponent to leave an opening in combat that you can exploit.
Feinting is a Minor Action to use.
In order to Feint, make a Misdirection check vs your opponent’s Insight. If you succeed, the target grants you combat advantage on your next attack provided you make one before the start of your next turn.
Using the Feint action costs 2 Focus Points to use.
The grab action represents getting a firm hold of one’s enemy in battle, often with the intent to draw them into a grapple, or just the slow them down and keep them in place.
Use the Grab action in place of Basic Strike or as a Minor Action. You must declare you are using Grab before rolling the attack.
To grab an enemy, make a melee Basic Strike against one target within reach. This attack deals no damage and provokes an attack of opportunity. On a hit, the target gains the grabbed condition.
Using the Grab action costs 1 Focus Point.
The grapple action represents locks, holds and other methods or trapping or immobilizing enemies in hand-to hand combat.
Use the Grapple action in place of Basic Strike or a Standard Action. You must declare you are using Grapple before rolling the attack. If the target is grabbed, Grapple can be used as a Move Action.
To grapple an enemy, roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If the target is grabbed, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to this roll.
If you succeed, the target gains the grappled condition. This action provokes an attack of opportunity unless that target is grabbed.
The target of a grapple attempt gains a +2 to CMD for every size category they are above their attacker. A creature cannot attempt to grapple a creature more than two size categories larger than them.
Using the Grapple action costs 2 Focus Points.
Damaging Grapple
The Damaging Grapple action represents applying pressure on one’s grappled enemies, or shanking them while they are in your grasp and relatively helpless against you.
Use the Damaging Grapple action in place of a Basic Strike or as a Standard Action. You must declare you are using Damaging Grapple before rolling the attack. To damage an enemy in a grapple you must be wielding a light or one-handed weapon, unarmed strike or natural weapon or a weapon with the Grapple tag against a target you have grappled.
Roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If you succeed, deal 1[WD] +STR modifier damage.
Using a Damaging Grapple costs 1 Focus Point.
The Pin action represents subduing and immobilizing an opponent in a grapple.
Use the Pin action in place of a Basic Strike or as a Standard Action. You must declare you are using Pin before rolling the attack. You can only use this action against creatures you have under the grappled condition.
In order to pin an opponent, roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If you succeed, the target becomes immobilized.
The target of a grapple attempt gains a +2 to CMD for every size category they are above their attacker. A creature cannot attempt to grapple a creature more than two size categories larger than them.
Pinning an opponent costs 1 Focus Point.
The drag action represents forcibly moving an enemy you have partially incapacitated in a grapple.
Use the Drag action as a Move Action. You may only use the Drag action against an enemy you have grabbed or grappled you are strong enough to drag .
The drag an enemy, roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If you succeed, move up to half your speed and reposition the target so that they remain adjacent to you.
Dragging an enemy costs 2 Focus Points.
A creature who is grabbed, grappled or pinned may use the Breakout action to escape said conditions.
Using the Breakout action is either a Move Action or a Reaction triggered by gaining the grabbed, grappled, or pinned condition.
In order to attempt the Breakout action, roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If you succeed, you end the grabbed, grappled, or pinned conditions imposed upon you by one source and may move up to 1 square away from that source.
Creatures gain a +2 bonus to breakout attempts for every size category larger or smaller they are than the creature grabbing, grappling or pinning them.
A creature who has escaped a grab, grapple or pin may attempt to grab their foe in turn using the Reverse action.
The Reverse action is a Reaction triggered by succeeding on a Breakout attempt.
When using the Reverse Action, you remain grabbed by the creature you just broke out from and immediately and automatically grab them in return.
The Reverse Action costs 2 Fatigue Points to use.
Parrying is using one’s weapons to block or redirect an incoming attack.
It is a Reaction triggered by you being targeted by a melee attack. You must choose whether or not to Parry before the attack is rolled.
To Parry, roll CMB against the triggering attack roll. If you succeed, the attack misses as if it failed to hit your AC.
Parrying costs 2 Focus Points to use.
The Push action represents bull rushes, shoves and other methods of driving one’s foe back from your position.
Use the Push action in place of Basic Strike or as a Standard Action against an enemy within Reach. You must declare you are using Push before rolling the attack. This action provokes an attack of opportunity from the target.
The use the Push action, roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If you succeed, the target is pushed 1 square. For every 10 points by which you beat the target’s CMD, you may push them an additional square. You may use squares of movement to move so as to remain adjacent to the target. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
You suffer a -2 penalty to the CMB roll for every size category larger than you your attacker is and an additional -2 penalty to the CMB roll if they have four or more legs. A creature cannot attempt to trip a creature more than two size categories larger than them.
The Push action costs 2 Focus Points to use.
Ready an Action
Readying an action means preparing to react to a specific occurrence with a specific action. This is akin to delaying an action except the character chooses an action that will trigger their readied action and they declare a specific course of action they will take once it is triggered.
Example: A character declares that as soon as the minotaur soldier they are fighting comes within their reach, they will use the bring them down technique against them. As with the delayed action, the character takes no actions on their initiative, but the moment the minotaur soldier uses her move action to move into a square within the character’s reach, they may immediately use bring them down against her before she can use any more movement or take any other actions. The minotaur’s turn then proceeds as normal once the readied action is resolved.
The Refresh action represents a character taking a moment to center themselves, settle their mind, or even perform some basic self first aid in the heat of battle.
Refreshing can be done once per encounter as a Standard Action. Doing so allows the target to regain hit points equal to their reeling value.
Repositioning represents using force, tactics or trickery to cause another creature to move where you want them to go.
The Reposition action can be used in place of Basic Strike or as a Standard Action against a creature within Reach that provokes an attack of opportunity from the target. You must declare you are using Reposition before rolling the attack.
To Reposition another creature, roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If you succeed, reposition the target 1 square in any direction as long as they remain within your reach. For every 10 points by which you beat the target’s CMD, you may reposition them an additional square.
You suffer a -2 penalty to the CMB roll for every size category larger than you your attacker is and an additional -2 penalty to the CMB roll if they have four or more legs. A creature cannot attempt to reposition an enemy more than two size categories larger than them.
Using the Reposition action costs 2 Focus Points.
Shield Block
In combat, a character wielding a shield may use it to interpose said shield against an incoming attack.
Performing a Shield Block is a Reaction triggered by being targeted by a melee attack roll.
The block an incoming attack with your shield, roll CMB against the triggering attack roll with a bonus to CMB equal to your shield’s enhancement bonus. If you succeed, the attack misses as if it failed to hit your AC.
The Shield Block action costs 2 Focus Points to use.
Stand Up
A character can stand up from prone as a Move Action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
A character can stand up from prone without provoking an attack of opportunity as a Standard Action.
The Steal action allows a character to steal items possessed but not worn or wielded by a target in combat.
Use the Steal action in place of Basic Strike or Standard Action against an adjacent target that provokes an attack of opportunity. You must declare you are using Steal before rolling the attack. You must have at least one free hand to use the Steal action.
To steal an object from a target, roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If you succeed, you take one non-worn, non-held object the target has on their person (in pockets or other containers in their direct possession).
You suffer a -2 penalty to the CMB roll for every size category below Tiny the object you attempt to steal is, and a -4 penalty to the roll if the object is secured on the target’s person (by a loop, buckle or other method).
If the target is unaware of your presence, you may make a Ledgermain roll against the target’s Passive Perception. If you succeed, you gain a +5 to the CMB roll.
Using the Steal action costs 2 Focus Points.
Sundering is the action of destroying an object held by an enemy.
Use the Sunder action in place of Basic Strike or Standard Action against a creature within Reach that provokes an attack of opportunity from the target. You must declare you are using Sunder before rolling the attack.
To use the Sunder action, roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If you succeed, deal 1WD + STR modifier to one item the target is holding plus an additional damage for every 5 points by which you exceed their roll.
Sundering an enemy’s weapon costs 2 Focus Points to use.
Tripping represents actual trips, sweeping for the legs, or even shoving enemies over.
Use the Trip action either in place of Basic Strike or Standard Action against an enemy within Reach. This action provokes an attack of opportunity from the target. You must declare you are using Trip before rolling the attack.
To Trip an enemy, roll CMB vs the target’s CMD. If you succeed, the target falls prone in their square.
You suffer a -2 penalty to the CMB roll for every size category larger than you your attacker is and an additional -2 penalty to the CMB roll if they have four or more legs. A creature cannot attempt to trip a creature more than two size categories larger than them or that is already prone.
Using the Trip action costs 2 Focus Points to use.
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