Tag: feats

Ferif Affinity

Ferif Affinity [Mage, Affinity] By nature or training, you are naturally attuned with the energy of metal, ferif. Rigid in resolve, cutting in action.   Benefit: You gain the following benefits: +5 feat bonus to Spellcraft checks to cast Ferif rituals. +1 feat bonus to the DC of any Ferif spell you cast. You can […]

Extended Spellwork

Extended Spellwork [Mage] New focusing and directing techniques allow you to reach further with your spells.   Prerequisite: Trained in Spellcraft   Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your INT modifier, while casting a spell, you may spend additional spell points to increase the range of that spell by a number of […]

Ere-a Affinity

Ere-a Affinity [Mage, Affinity] By nature or training, you are naturally attuned with the energy of earth, ere-a. Solid and dependable, you reflect one another.   Benefit: You gain the following benefits: +5 feat bonus to Spellcraft checks to cast Ere-a rituals. +1 feat bonus to the DC of any Ere-a spell you cast. While […]

Empowered Spellwork

Empowered Spellwork [Mage] You are capable of greater feats of magic than normal given enough energy.   Prerequisite: Trained in Spellcraft   Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your INT modifier, while casting a spell, you may spend an additional 3 SP per tier to increase your effective character level for the […]

Discarnate Affinity

Discarnate Affinity [Mage, Bard, Affinity] By nature or training, you are naturally attuned to the Well of Souls. The underlying Word and Song of Creation fills your very being.   Benefit: You gain the following benefits: +5 feat bonus to Spellcraft checks to cast Discarnate Rituals. +1 feat bonus to the DC of any Discarnate […]

Athame Caster

Athame Caster [Mage, Magical Aid] You have trained to invoke the ability of the athame to increase the potency of your spells.   Benefit: While using an athame as a casting aid, you add twice its superiority bonus to damage rolls for your spells and half it superiority bonus (minimum 1) to the save DC […]

Anima Affinity

Anima Affinity [Mage, Affinity] By nature or training, you are naturally attuned with the dual energies of life and entropy, vitae and nekras. The struggle of their duality reflects your own.   Benefit: You gain the following benefits: +5 feat bonus to Spellcraft checks to cast Nekras and Vitae rituals. +1 feat bonus to the […]

Akua Affinity

Akua Affinity [Mage, Affinity] By nature or training, you are naturally attuned with the energy of water, akua. Like it, you adapt and react with fluidity.   Benefit: You gain the following benefits: +5 feat bonus to Spellcraft checks to cast Akua rituals. +1 feat bonus to the DC of any Akua spell you cast. […]

Accelerated Ritualist

Accelerated Ritualist [Mage, Ritual] With skilled practice, certain rituals can be pre-prepared so that they can be cast almost immediately on the spot.   Benefit: As a Full-Round Action, you may pay SP equal to the ½ the level of an Accelerated Ritual (minimum 0) to cast it as part of that action.  

Smite the Wicked

Smite the Wicked [Cleric] The power of your god banes your enemies.   Prerequisite: Templar   Benefit: As part of any attack before you make the attack roll, you may expend one usage of Channel Faith. If you do, all damage that attack deals is divine and you add twice your WIS modifier to that […]