Tag: arrays


Suffocate – Standard Action – 3SP – V,S[Array 1 – Vin]You snatch the breath from your enemy and fight of their struggles to regain it.   One non-undead, construct or elemental target within 5 squares must succeed on a Fortitude save or immediately gain the asphyxiated condition and takes ongoing CHA modifier untyped damage (save […]

Subtle Knife

Subtle Knife – Standard Action – 3SP – S [Array 1 – Vin]A favorite of cutpurses, the subtle knife uses an invisible razor to slash enemies, or more importantly purse-strings, belt loops, and pockets.   You conjure into being an ultra-fine blade made of fast-moving air that floats invisibly in your square unless commanded otherwise. […]

Mighty Shout

Mighty Shout – Standard Action – 3SP – V [Array 1, Secret 1 – Vin, Sonic, Concussive]A mighty exclamation drives an enemy backward.   One target within 5 squares must succeed on a Reflex save or take 2d8 + CHA modifier + ½ level sonic damage and you may immediately initiate a Push basic technique […]

Sound Lance

Sound Lance – Standard Action – 3SP – V [Array 1, Secret 1 – Vin, Sonic, Concussive]A pulse of concentrated noise strikes out at your foe.   One target within 4 squares (increment) must succeed on a Reflex save or take 2d8 + CHA modifier + ½ level sonic damage.   At 9th level, the […]

Arc Cannon

Arc Cannon – Standard Action – 3SP – V,S[Array 1 – Vin, Electric]A ball of static leaps from your hands to your enemy, sending a jolt through them an anyone in contact with them.   One target within 20 squares must succeed on a Reflex save or take 2d8 + CHA modifier + ½ level […]

Force the False Step

Force the False Step – Reaction – 3SP – S [Array 1 – Psi, Mind-Effecting, Domination] A swarm of false sensory information causes your enemy to stumble in the direction you intend.   As a Reaction triggered by a creature within 10 squares taking a Move Action, the target must succeed on a Will save […]

Charm, Least

Charm, Least – Standard Action – 3SP – V [Array 1 – Psi, Mind-Effecting, Charm] A bit of magic makes another see you in a friendlier light.   Choose one creature within 1 square. That target must succeed on a Will save or you gain a + 5 plus 1 per 2 levels spell bonus […]

Benevolent Pathos, Minor

Benevolent Pathos, Minor – Standard Action – 3SP – V,S [Array 1 – Psi, Emotion, Mind-Effecting] You reach into the target’s mind and bring a positive emotion to the surface.   Target one creature within 20 squares. They gain one of the following benefits:   Bravado: The target gains a +4 spell bonus to their […]

Baleful Pathos, Minor

Baleful Pathos, Minor – Standard Action – 3SP – V,S [Array 1 – Psi, Emotion, Mind-Effecting] You call up the darkest thoughts from deep in the target’s mind.   Target one creature within 20 squares. They must succeed on a Will save or suffer one of the following effects:   Murderous Rage: The target immediately […]

Agony Beam

Agony Beam – Standard Action – 3SP – V,S [Array 1 – Psi, Mind-Effecting, Beam] A beam of psi energy extends from your palm or ajna chakra, smiting the target with pure pain as if their nerves were on fire.   One target within 20 squares must succeed on a Reflex save or take CHA […]