Subtle Knife

Subtle Knife – Standard Action – 3SP – S
[Array 1 – Vin]
A favorite of cutpurses, the subtle knife uses an invisible razor to slash enemies, or more importantly purse-strings, belt loops, and pockets.


You conjure into being an ultra-fine blade made of fast-moving air that floats invisibly in your square unless commanded otherwise.


As a Minor Action, you can order the blade to slash an object within 5ft. It strikes unerringly, dealing 1d4-1 slashing damage +1d4-1 per 4 levels (minimum 1 damage). As a Standard Action, you can order the blade to slash a creature with the same results.


Attacks with the subtle knife cannot be used to deal precision damage. If the target is an object being worn by the target, attacks with the subtle knife deals double damage if it is meant to cut straps, belt loops or other attachment points.


While subtle knife is active, the caster gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the Steal Combat action.


The effects of this spell last 2 rounds + Concentration.


Affinity Bonuses

Ere-a – The damage ignores 1 point +1 point per ½ level of hardness an object has.

Ferif – The damage ignores 1 point +1 point per ½ level of DR the target has.


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