Tag: uncommon rituals


 [Accelerated Ritual] By strategically anchoring and controlling strands of force, you are capable of lifting and manipulating objects. Level 2, R2 Reagents: None Casting Time: 1 minute Affinity: Vox Spellcraft DC: 15 You create an intangible, barely visible mass of tendrils made of magical force that remains in existence for as long as you Concentrate. […]

Raise Stone Wall

[Accelerated Ritual] Earthen or stone barriers protect most homesteads and farming enclaves thanks to their ease of creation and general sturdiness even with a lack of upkeep. Level 2, R2 Reagents: None Casting Time: 5 rounds Affinity: Ere-a Spellcraft DC: 15 You raise a 5ft cube of compacted earth, stone, sand or clay from the […]


[Accelerated Ritual] The staple of the ere-a mage’s repertoire, the ability to use the power of magic to dig pits, tunnels and earthworks makes them of great value to cities and conquerors alike. Level 2, R2 Reagents: None Casting Time: 5 rounds Affinity: Ere-a Spellcraft DC: 15 You shift and compact a 5ft cube of […]


[Accelerated Ritual] This useful spell to repair objects has long been a trade secret among guilds of cobblers, smiths and other tradesfolk. Level 1, R2 Reagents: a vial of plant resin worth 5cp Casting Time: 10 minutes Affinity: Universal Spellcraft DC: 10 Choose one of the following effects: A single, non-magical, non-complex object you touch […]

Alter Wardrobe

[Accelerated Ritual] I travel the world. Did you think I would really bother with luggage? Level 1, R2 Reagents: A pristine peacock or eagle feather worth 1sp Casting Time: 10 minutes Affinity: Universal Spellcraft DC: 10 You can change the physical appearance but not the function of your clothing. This can only be a cosmetic […]

Aesthetic Alteration

[Accelerated Ritual] Because sometimes nature needs a little help looking good. Level 0, R2 Reagents: None Casting Time: 10 minutes Affinity: Universal Spellcraft DC: 10 You perform minor alterations to your appearance or the appearance of a willing creature, including, by not limited to the following: The length, color and style of your hair. Eyebrows […]