Fell-Light Bow – Standard Action – 3SP – V, S, SF [Secret 1, Conjuration, Light] You call into being a bow of light the turns back the shadows. You conjure a longbow made of light into your hands. You are proficient with this weapon even if you are not normally proficient with the longbow. […]
Cursed Entertainment
Cursed Entertainment – Standard Action – 3SP – V or S [Secret 1, Curse, Compulsion, Sonic] A song, a tale or a dance enters the target’s mind and forces them to react as you desire. One target within 6 squares must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC 10 +½ level + CHA modifier) […]
Constant Mockery
Constant Mockery – Standard Action – 3SP – V [Secret 1, Language Dependent, Emotion, Mind-Effecting, Sonic] You focus an unending stream of insults and taunts on the target, preventing them from focusing on anything or anyone but you. Chose one target that can hear you. That target must succeed on a Will saving […]
Charlatan Orb
Charlatan Orb – Standard Action – 3SP – V, S [Secret 1, Conjuration] Manipulating fickle fates across matter and energy, you collapse possibility into a certainty as a form of energy. Choose fire, cold, electrical, corrosive, or sonic. One target within range must succeed on a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 +½ level […]
Axiom of Locution: Creation
Axiom of Locution: Creation – Move Action – 3SP – V [Secret 1, Sonic, Word, Conjuration] The words of creation have not yet been fully uncovered and perfected, but this least version allows the creation of unstable matter from discarnate energy. Choose one of the following items you conjure into the hands of one […]
Axiom of Locution: Action
Axiom of Locution: Action – Standard Action or Reaction – 3SP – V [Secret 1, Sonic, Word, Compulsion] A single Word from you alters the target’s reality, causing them to act in the way you describe. Choose one of the following effects: Attack: One target within 20 squares must succeed on a Will […]
Anoint Hero
Anoint Hero – Standard Action – 3SP – V, S [Secret 1, Alteration] The power of the Word ignites the inner hero. One touched ally adds your CHA modifier to Athletics, Acrobatics and Intimidate skill rolls, CMB and CMD. They treat natural die rolls as if they were one number higher (eg: Natural 1’s […]
Vox Press
Vox Press – Standard Action – 3SP – V, S [Array 1 – Vox, Gravity] The power of vox amplifies the power of gravity in a set area, crushing all within to the ground. Target one square within 20 squares. That square and all adjacent squares become a zone for 1 round +1 per […]
Translocation – Move Action – 3SP – S [Array 1 – Vox, Teleportation] Some would say the ultimate vox technique is bending space itself to move an object from one point to another without passing through the intervening space. One willing creature or unattended object touched is teleported up to 3 squares. At […]
Spell Breaker, Least
Spell Breaker, Least – Reaction or Standard Action – 3SP – V [Array 1 – Vox, Dispelling] The least spell breaker is a crude mystic blade designed to attempt to cut through the energies that form spells. You may cast this spell targeting any spell effect within 5 squares with a duration less than […]