Legerdemain (Dex)
Legerdemain is the art of performing acts of slight of hand and concealment. This includes hiding objects in rooms, stealing small things while being observed, and picking pockets. Legerdemain checks are usually opposed rolls vs Insight or Perception.
There are three special usages of the Legerdemain skill:
You can use Legerdemain to hide objects either on your person or within a room. Make a Legerdemain check. The result is the DC of an insight check to find the object or compartment you’ve concealed.
You may only hide objects smaller than your size category on your person. For every size category smaller than that, you gain a cumulative +2 bonus to the check.
This use of Conceal is a Standard Action.
To hide an object in a room, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll for every size category below Medium of the object. For every size category above Medium, the check suffers a -4 penalty.
To conceal a hidden compartment or door, there is not bonus or penalty to the check.
This usage of Conceal takes at least one minute and may take longer depending on the location.
You can use the Legerdemain skill to covertly steal a Tiny or smaller object even while being observed. Make a Legerdemain check opposed to the observer’s Insight or Perception. On a success, you successfully take the object without being detected.
If the observer has been the subject of the Distract usage of the Misdirection skill, the Legerdemain check is opposed to the target’s Passive Perception instead.
Only characters Trained in Legerdemain can use this usage of the skill.
This usage of Palm is a Move Action.
Pick Pockets
You can use the Legerdemain skill to surreptitiously steal objects stored in a creature’s pockets or pouches. You may only attempt this usage of Legerdemain on creatures unaware of your presence.
As a Standard Action, make a Legerdemain check opposed to the target’s Insight or Perception. On a success, you steal a random object from the target, starting with any money they might be carrying. You can attempt to steal a specific item from the target at rolling at a –10 penalty.
Only characters Trained in Legerdemain can use this usage of the skill.
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