Wand Caster [Mage, Magical Aid] You have trained to use a wand to direct your magical attacks and reduce the range of motion you need to cast. Benefit: While using a wand as a magical aid, you treat your level as if it were two higher for the purposes of Ray and Beam spells […]
Tag: magical aid feats
Spellbook Caster
Spellbook Caster [Mage, Magical Aid] You have trained to unlock and utilized the secrets locked inside mystic spellbooks. Benefit: While using a spellbook as a casting aid, you treat the spells inside as spells known and add twice its superiority bonus to Spellcraft checks. Special: You may only use one magical aid at […]
Athame Caster
Athame Caster [Mage, Magical Aid] You have trained to invoke the ability of the athame to increase the potency of your spells. Benefit: While using an athame as a casting aid, you add twice its superiority bonus to damage rolls for your spells and half it superiority bonus (minimum 1) to the save DC […]