

A creature that is alight is on fire. They:

  • Take 1d4 fire damage plus 1d4 damage for every turn they’ve been alight at the start of their turn.

  • As a full round action, a creature can fall prone and roll to put themselves out, removing this effect. Submersion in non-flammable liquid will also end this effect. Creatures with the Water subtype cannot be set alight.

A sleeping character is:

  • Helpless

  • Taking non-psychic damage ends this condition.

  • A creature can awaken another as a move action.

A creature who is being asphyxiated is unable to breath normally usually either by being in an environment with little breathable air or because they are choking or being strangled. They suffer the following Affliction:

You cannot breathe

Saving Throw: Fortitude DC 15 +2 per round under this condition
Save Frequency: 1 round
Onset: sickened
Progression 1: nauseated

Progression 2: unconscious
Progression 3: dying

Special: Losing or ending this affliction automatically ends the sickened and nauseated conditions. A successful DC 15 Heal check may end the unconscious condition imposed by this affliction.

A creature may choose to automatically pass their Constitution check for a number of rounds equal to their CON modifier rounded down.



Augmented [Ability]
A creature with an augmented ability has had one of their six abilities (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA) enhanced in some way, by spell, elixir or other effect. They gain:

  • A +1d4 bonus to rolls and checks that use this ability including attack and damage rolls. Multiple instances of this condition increase the die size of this bonus.

The creature cannot see. It suffers:

  • All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based on sight) automatically fail.

  • Blinded creatures suffer a -1d4 penalty to attack rolls.

  • Creatures attacking blinded creatures gain a +1d4 bonus to such attack rolls.

A chilled creature is numbed and shaken by cold. They suffer:

  • A –2 penalty to Reflex and Fortitude saving throws and Dex-based skill checks.

  • Creatures with the Fire keyword cannot be chilled.

Combat Advantage
A creature granting combat advantage is leaving themselves especially open to attack from a specific creature or group of creatures. They:

  • Suffer a2 circumstance penalty to attack and CMB against any creatures that it grants advantage to.

  • Take +1d4 precision damage from the first attack in a turn from creatures they grant combat advantage to.



A character that is dead’s body is either shutting down or has shut down. They:

  • Are now considered an object for all purposes except for effects that return creatures to life.

  • See Death and Dying.

A deafened character cannot hear. They suffer:

  • Automatically fail Perception checks based on sound.

  • Creatures that are temporarily deafened cannot cast spells with verbal components.

Diminished [Ability]
A creature with a diminished ability has had one of their six abilities (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA) impaired in some way, by poison, illness or other affliction or effect. They suffer:

  • A –1d4 penalty to rolls and checks that use that ability. Multiple instances of this condition increase the die size of the penalty.

A distracted creature is unable to fully focus in combat. They suffer:

  • Grants combat advantage to all adjacent creatures.

  • Suffers a –2 penalty to Concentration checks for every instance of distracted.

  • Cannot make attacks of opportunity.

A dominated character has had its will subverted by outside forces.

  • It acts on the initiative of the dominating creature.

  • May only take a single Standard Action each round.

  • A dominated creature given orders against its nature such as slaying a close friend, breaking a deeply held taboo or harming itself is entitled to an immediate Will save to end the effect.

A character who drinks to excess or otherwise becomes impaired through the use of a mind-altering substance gains the drunk condition. They suffer:

  • A -1d4 to Int, Wis and Dex-based checks, attack rolls, CMB and Will saving throws.

A fatigued character:

  • Can neither run nor charge.

  • Suffers a -2 penalty to STR and DEX-based skill checks.

  • Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted.

  • After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.


An exhausted character:

  • Moves at half speed.

  • Cannot run or charge.

  • Suffers a -5 penalty to STR and DEX-based skill checks.

  • After 6 hours of complete rest, an exhausted character becomes fatigued.

A character who has not yet acted during a combat is flat-footed, unable to react normally to the situation. A flat-footed character:

  • Uses their flatfooted AC bonus against attacks

  • Cannot make attacks of opportunity

A character with this condition has been physically grabbed by another creature. A grabbed creature cannot move away from the grabbing creature.

A grappled creature is firmly held by another creature or creatures. A grappled creature:

  • Is restrained and cannot move away from the grappling creature.

An immobilized creature is being prevented from moving from their space for example from being mired in deep mud, held by vines or magically pinned in place. An immobilized creature…

  • Is unable to physically move from the space they occupy under their own power unless they teleport.

  • Is immune to push, pull or reposition effects.

Ongoing Damage
A creature taking ongoing damage:

  • Takes the listed damage at the start of their turn before they make any saving throws to end effects.

  • Ongoing damage effects stack.


Bleed is a special type of ongoing damage that represents bloodloss and similar circumstances. The following :.

  • One instance of a bleeding effect can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or through the application of any Magical Healing effect that cures hit point damage (even if the bleed is ability damage).

  • Ongoing damage effects stack.

A paralyzed character is frozen in place and unable to move or act. They:

  • Are immobilized.

  • Cannot take actions that require physical movement in any way such as speaking, attacking or casting spells with somatic or verbal components..

  • A winged creature flying in the air at the time that it becomes paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls.

  • A paralyzed swimmer can’t swim and may drown.

  • Creatures can move through a space occupied by a paralyzed creature, treating those squares as difficult terrain.

A prone creature is either flat on the ground or somehow disoriented due to their positioning.

  • A prone attacker has a –2 penalty on melee attack rolls.

  • A prone defender gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, but takes a –2 penalty to AC against melee attacks.

A restrained creature has rope, vines or other objects restricting their limbs, limiting their manual dexterity. A restrained character:

  • Suffers a -1d4 penalty to weapon attacks, Reflex saves, and cannot cast spells with somatic components.

  • Can only make attacks with light and natural weapons.

  • Speed is reduced to half.


A shaken character:

  • Takes a -1d4 penalty on all checks and rolls.

  • Cannot move toward the source of their fear.

Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.


A frightened creature:

  • Is shaken.

  • Flees from the source of its fear as best it can, using its special abilities, including spells, to flee the maximum number of squares on their turn.

  • If unable to flee, it may fight.

The character:

  • Takes a -1d4 penalty on all rolls and checks.

Creatures with the nauseated condition experience stomach distress. Nauseated creatures:

  • Is sickened and staggered.

A slowed creature is rendered stiff or unable to exercise their full range of motion. They:

  • Move at half their base speed.

  • Do not benefit from any effects that grant them bonuses to movement speed.

  • If a creature is slowed while moving, they stop moving for that turn.

A soaked creature is dripping wet they suffer no ill effects from this condition, but other effects target or have additional effects when targeting soaked creatures.

A staggered creature:

  • May only take either a Move or Standard Action on their turn (they cannot take full-round actions).

  • A staggered creature can still take Minor or Free actions and Reactions.

A stunned creature is unable to act normally. They can take no actions on their turn and no reactions.

A stunned condition typically lasts 1 round.

A creature who is at ½ their total hit points or lower is taxed and starting to suffer from the strain of combat. This condition does not impose any penalties or confer any bonuses, but some effect might be triggered by gaining or losing this condition.

A creature who is at ¼ their total hit points or lower is reeling as well as taxed. This condition does not impose any penalties or confer any bonuses, but some effect might be triggered by gaining or losing this condition.

Unconscious creatures are:

  • Asleep and helpless.

  • Effects that would awaken a creature do not work unless they also end the unconscious condition.

  • Unconsciousness can result from having negative hit points.

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