Alchemical Items







Alchemical Adhesive



2 (rigid)


Alchemical Flame



2 (rigid)


Alchemical Frost



2 (rigid)


Alchemical Lubricant



2 (rigid)


Caustic Compound



2 (rigid)


Chemical Light



5 (rigid)





1 (rigid)





2 (rigid)


Smoke Bomb



3 (rigid)



Alchemical Adhesive

An ampule of viscous, quick-drying adhesive.


As a standard action, a character can bond two objects together with an ampule of Alchemical Adhesive. After one round, separating those two objects requires a STR check DC 15 + INT modifier.


As a move action, an ampule of Alchemical Adhesive can be emptied into an adjacent square. That square becomes difficult terrain. Any creature entering the effected square must succeed on a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + ½ character level + INT modifier) or become immobilized (save ends).


A character can throw an ampule of Alchemical Adhesive as a grenade weapon with a range increment of 2 squares targeting a single square within 10 squares with AC 10. On a hit, all creatures within the target square and adjacent squares must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ character level + INT modifier) or become immobilized (save ends).


If an ampule of Alchemical Adhesive is destroyed, creatures in its square are effected as if hit by a thrown ampule of Alchemical Adhesive.


Alchemical Flame

A vial of a chemical that, when exposed to air, ignites into flame. Alchemical Fire can be used to instantly ignite any flammable substance as a minor action.


A character can throw a vial of Alchemical Fire as a grenade weapon with a range increment of 2 squares targeting a single square within 10 squares with AC 10. On a hit, all creatures within the target square and adjacent squares must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ character level + INT modifier) or take fire damage equal to INT modifier + character level an be set alight. A successful reflex save means the target takes half damage and is not set alight.


Submersion in water does not end the alight condition created by Alchemical Fire.


If a vial of Alchemical Fire is destroyed, creatures in its square are effected as if hit by a thrown vial of Alchemical Fire.


Alchemical Frost

A vial of a solution that, when exposed to air, undergoes a powerful endothermic reaction, drastically lowering the temperature around it. Alchemical Frost can be used to instantly snuff all fire in one square as a minor action.


A character can throw a vial of Alchemical Frost as a grenade weapon with a range increment of 2 squares targeting a single square within 10 squares with AC 10. On a hit, all creatures within the target square and adjacent squares must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ character level + INT modifier) or take cold damage equal to INT modifier + character level an become chilled and slowed (save ends). A successful reflex save means the target takes half damage and is not slowed.


If a vial of Alchemical Frost is destroyed, creatures in its square are effected as if hit by a thrown vial of Alchemical Frost.


Alchemical Lubricant

An ampule of an especially slippery concoction used in the upkeep of mechanical devices. As a move action, vial of Alchemical Lubricant can be emptied into an adjacent square. That square becomes difficult terrain. Any creature entering the effected square must succeed on a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + ½ character level + INT modifier) or fall prone.


A character can throw a vial of Alchemical Lubricant as a grenade weapon with a range increment of 2 squares targeting a single square within 10 squares with AC 10. On a hit, all creatures within the target square and adjacent squares must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ character level + INT modifier) or fall prone.


If a vial of Alchemical Lubricant is destroyed, creatures in its square are effected as if hit by a thrown vial of Alchemical Lubricant.


Caustic Compound

A vial of a highly acidic or basic substance. As a move action, a caustic compound can be applied to a non-magical object or section of an object no larger than one foot in any one dimension. Each turn, the target takes 1d6 caustic damage and permanently loses 1 point of hardness. This process lasts 1d4 rounds.


A character can throw a vial of Caustic Compound as a grenade weapon with a range increment of 2 squares targeting a single square within 10 squares with AC 10. On a hit, all creatures within the target square and adjacent squares must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ character level + INT modifier) or take caustic damage equal to INT modifier + character level and be struck blind (save ends). A successful reflex save means the target takes half damage and is not blinded.


If a vial of Caustic Compound is destroyed, creatures in its square are effected as if hit by a thrown vial of Caustic Compound.


Chemical Light

A tube of disposable chemicals, this light sheds a bright light in its square and all adjacent squares, normal light out to 4 squares and dim light out to eight squares. Once activated, it cannot be snuffed and sheds light for up to 6 hours.


If a lit chemical light with at least one hour’s worth of time left is destroyed, it emits a brilliant flash. Creatures in the light’s square may attempt a Fortitude save DC 10 OR 10 + ½ the level of the creature that destroyed the light if the light was destroyed with the intent to blind or be struck blind for 1 round.



A small box of twenty wooden matches. A match can be used to light a torch or other fire as a standard action.



A clay or ceramic flask of common lamp oil. In a lamp or lantern, burns for a total of six hours before being depleted.


A flask of oil can be poured on the ground, filling a single square. That square becomes difficult terrain for the next two rounds. While the square is difficult terrain, any creature entering the square must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ character level + INT modifier) or fall prone. As a minor action, a character with the means to may ignite the oil. It burns for 2 rounds, dealing INT modifier fire damage to any creature that enters or starts their turn in the square.


A character can throw a flask of oil as a grenade weapon with a range increment of 2 squares targeting a single square within 10 squares with AC 10. On a hit, all creatures within the target square and adjacent squares must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ character level + INT modifier) or become coated in oil. A creature coated in oil takes fire damage before the end of the encounter, they are set alight.


If a flask of oil is destroyed, creatures in its square are effected as if hit by a thrown flask of oil.


Smoke Bomb

A cylinder made of thick paper tightly packed with a coarse power that burns when ignited.


A smoke bomb can be lit and thrown as a grenade weapon with a range increment of 2 squares targeting a single square within 10 squares with an AC of 10. On a hit, the target square and all squares within 2 squares are filled with thick smoke that grants partial concealment to all creatures within. Such creatures suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls against non-adjacent targets.


Any breeze faster than light clears the cloud in 2 rounds. Locating and destroying the smoke bomb allows the cloud to dissipate in two rounds or at the end of the duration, whichever is sooner.



Sidebar: Grenade Weapons

Grenade weapons are a class of weapons, usually alchemical in nature, that have effects in an area of effect around them whether or not they hit their intended target.


On a miss with a grenade weapon, the user rolls a d8 to determine which adjacent square the grenade lands in. Number the squares with 1 being the closest square to the grenade’s user, then proceeding clockwise. The attack then resolves as if that square were the target square.

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