Tag: universal techniques

Surgical Strike

Surgical Strike – Full Round Action – 3FP [Technique – Universal – Melee] Make a melee attack roll against a target within reach with a +2 technique bonus.   On a hit, deal 1[WD + STR modifier] + ½ level damage +1d10 precision damage.   At 9th level, the damage increases to 2[WD + STR […]


Regroup – Minor Action – 2FP [Technique – Universal] One ally within 3 squares of you Repositions 1 square closer to you.   At 9th level, this technique affects 2 allies within 5 squares.   At 18th level, this technique affects 3 allies within 10 squares.

Rapid Reload

Rapid Reload – Minor Action – 2FP [Technique – Universal – Ranged] Fully reload one ranged weapon you are holding. You do not have to have a free hand to do so. This action provokes an attack of opportunity.

Rallying Assault

Rallying Assault – Standard Action – 3FP [Technique – Universal – Melee] Make a melee attack against a target within reach.   On a hit, deal 1[WD + STR modifier] + ½ level and one conscious ally within line of sight of you gains temporary hit points equal to your CHA modifier + ½ level. […]

Pour on the Pressure

Pour on the Pressure – Standard Action – 3FP [Technique – Universal – Melee] Make a melee attack against one enemy within reach.   On a hit, deal WD + STR modifier + ½ level damage and the target grants combat advantage to any enemy that flanks it with you until the start of your […]

I Never Miss

I Never Miss – Standard Action – 3FP [Technique – Universal – Ranged] Make a ranged attack against one target within range.   On a hit, deal 1[WD + DEX modifier] + ½ level damage.   On a miss, deal DEX modifier damage.   At 9th level, the damage increases to 2[WD + DEX modifier] […]

Combat Coordination

Combat Coordination – Standard Action – 3FP [Technique – Universal] Perform a melee or ranged Basic Strike against one enemy within reach or range. One ally who is able to perform a melee or ranged Basic Strike against that same target does so with a bonus to the attack equal to your CHA modifier.