Tag: basic strike

Trick Loading

Trick Loading – Standard Action – 3FP [Technique – Small Arms, Long Arms, Crossbow] Make a ranged attack against one target within range.   On a hit, deal 1[WD + DEX modifier] + ½ level damage and reload one unit of ammunition for your weapon.   At 9th level, the damage increases to 2[WD + […]

Spinning Cane

Spinning Cane – Standard Action – 3FP [Technique – Polearm – Two-Handed] Make a melee attack against a target within reach. Your weapon does not grant you additional reach for the purposes of this attack.   On a hit, deal 1[WD + STR modifier] damage.   Make a second melee attack against a target within […]

Flurry of Blows

Flurry of Blows – Standard Action – 3FP [Technique – Unarmed, Short Blade, Mace, Hammer, Flexible, Thrown – Light] Make two melee or ranged attacks against one target within reach or range.   On each hit, deal 1[WD + STR modifier] + ½ level damage.   At 9th level, the damage increases to 2[WD + […]

Bring Them Down

Bring Them Down – Standard Action – 3FP [Technique – Flexible, Unarmed – Trip] Make a single melee attack against a target within reach.   On a hit, deal 1[WD + STR modifier damage] + ½ level and you may immediately attempt to Trip the target. This Trip attempt does not provoke an attack of […]

Sound Lance

Sound Lance – Standard Action – 3SP – V [Array 1, Secret 1 – Vin, Sonic, Concussive]A pulse of concentrated noise strikes out at your foe.   One target within 4 squares (increment) must succeed on a Reflex save or take 2d8 + CHA modifier + ½ level sonic damage.   At 9th level, the […]

Dark Forces

Dark Forces – Standard Action – 3SP – V,S [Array 1 – Nekras, Disintegrate] You sling a guttering bolt of entropic energies at your foes, annihilating all it touches.   One creature or object within 10 squares must succeed on a Reflex save or take 1d8 + CHA modifier + ½ level negative energy and […]