Known as minor miracle or least wish in some circles, prestidigitation is almost universally taught as the first spell any magic user knows.
Level 0, R1
Reagents: None
Casting Time: Standard Action
Affinity: Universal
Spellcraft DC: 5
When you cast prestidigitation, choose one of the following effects:
Alter the sensory output of a touched object or part of an object weighing no more than 1 pound per level, changing its taste, texture, coloration and colored patterns, or scent. This effect lasts 1 hour plus 1 per 5 points by which you beat the Spellcraft DC.
Create a flashy but harmless magical display such as a soft glow, a brief flash, a strong scent, or a puff of smoke.
Warm or cool an object. This effect does no damage and imposes no penalties on the object or creatures touching it, but can make food and drink palatably warm or cool as desired. Temperature changes revert to normal at the natural rate.
Clean or soil, dry or moisten up to 1 cubic foot of an area, material or a willing creature. The moistening effect does not count as the soaked condition and the dry effect is not powerful enough to end to soaked condition.
Create a small, fragile object or palm-sized image. Such objects cannot be used as tools or spell components and are instantly recognizable as magical facsimiles. This effect lasts 1 hour plus 1 per 5 points by which you beat the Spellcraft DC.
Ritual Cost: 25gp
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