The Classes of Ere

Classes of Ere

The core set for Ere will launch with five classes from to serve as the foundation on which you can build your character. But don’t be fooled: each of these classes is jam packed with interesting and meaningful choices that means your party might have four or five members of the same class but who fulfill entirely different roles or fulfil the same role in a totally different way.


Naturally connected to the Well of Souls, bards couple its discarnate power with extensive study to sculpt sound, manipulate minds and alter reality in the form of Bardic Secrets.

Bards receive Bardic Knacks to represent their myriad and eclectic areas of study:

  • The performer is the traditional bard who works their secrets with performances of song, dance or music.
  • The researcher throws themselves into their learning, becoming an expert in knowledge.
  • The charlatan focuses on using discarnate power to replicate the mystic powers of magi or clerics.
  • The valorous bard channels their power into martial prowess to become a hero on the battlefield.
  • The chronicler is a student of society and psychology, a social force to be reckoned with.
  • The loreman is the pinnacle of the bardic ideal, blending disciplines into a harmonic whole.

Play a bard to support and sure up the party’s needs—whatever they might be with supreme versatility.


Defenders and champions of their faith, clerics are empowered by their unshakable faith and belief to lay low their enemies and bestow blessings on their allies. They wield divine power in the form of prayers.

Clerics gain different powers and even different prayers depending on what god or gods they revere:

  • Hessa the Goodly Morn is the goddess of the sun, protection and healing.
  • Pandemos, the One Dice Rolling is patron of revelry and chance.
  • Denaii Lawgiver is lord of order, logic and honor.
  • Sylph Reborn is a queen of all things wild, a green and growing.
  • Dodregar holds sacred community and marriage.
  • Dey comforts those who do what they must; a pragmatist to some, goddess of evil to others.
  • The Threefold Moon teaches Might Makes Right and offers such might to its adherents.

Play a cleric to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with your allies while also aiding them with blessings or hindering enemies with curses.


Masters of weapons of all types, the combatant has trained themselves for battle. Thanks to being born in a world as steeped in fantasy as Ere, combatants are capable of astounding feats with their raw talent alone. They charge into battle with special Techniques.

Each combatant gains special abilities and access to new Techniques based on their trusty Weapon of Choice.

The versatility of the combatant is multiplied with access to feat paths that represent new fighting styles and capabilities:

  • Sword and Board, Two-Weapon, Two-Handed, Martial Arts and Fisticuffs styles grant a strong foundation to build on.
  • Gunfighter, Master Thrower, and Emerald Mountain Archer each bring ranged options to the party.
  • The Eldritch Warrior blends martial with magical, even using the power of the Eight Elements Arsenal to conjure weapons made of mystical energies.
  • The Commander and the Great Leader add tactical acumen to the combatant repertoire.
  • The Madness Hero allows the combatant to fuel their battle prowess with rage or intense focus.

Play a combatant if you want to mix it up in combat, putting your all into your capacity for battle.


Magi are those who dedicate themselves to studying magic beyond the every day rituals lay people learn. They command the eight elemental energies that embody the physical and mental worlds as well as the elemental forces of anima into pattern-based spells known as Arrays.

Choosing from a massive number of arrays and rituals, is the choice of these that differentiates one caster from another. Some even choose to focus on one of those elements and the spheres of influence they encompass:

  • Flaer: The energy of fire with the power to not only burn, but to remove heat to bring a deathly chill.
  • Akua: The energy of water not only conjures and controls liquid, but can grant fluidity of form.
  • Ere-a: The power of earth digs pits and raises pillars, as well as lending solidity and bolstering physical toughness.
  • Vin: The power of air commands gales and calls down lightning while also bestowing fleetness.
  • Ferif: The energy of metal forges, hones and fortifies as well as generating magnetism.
  • Vox: The energy of the void is raw physical and metaphysical force, altering magic itself as well as kinetic energy and gravity.
  • Vitae: The positive half of Anima, vitae is the power of life which animates flora and fauna and allows them to grow and evolve.
  • Nekras: The negative half of Anima, nekras is the other side of life, animating the undead and fostering entropy.
  • Psi: the energy of the mind, psi can alter emotion, trick the senses, and manipulate the will.

Play a mage if you want access to a wide variety of spells and the versatility they bring to you party.


Where combatants rely on their weapons, rogues rely on their guile and wits. Whether in a fight or a debate, they rely less on brute strength and more on outsmarting, out-talking or out-maneuvering their opponents using agility, clever tactics or just plain cheating.

Rogues differentiate themselves through their choice of Rogue Tactics as well as feat paths that allow them to choose how they engage with the world:

  • The Unerring Marksman is a deadly sniper with rifle, crossbow or bow.
  • The Chemical Soldier brews and concocts alchemical weapons and tools to give them an upper hand.
  • The Audacious Highwayman is a dashing scoundrel armed with sword and pistol.
  • The Shadowstep Ambulator taps into a bit of magic to move through shadows themselves.
  • The Gentleman Thief is adept at skulking, stealing and looking right and dapper in the process.

Play a rogue if you want to fight with style and wits rather than force with tons of non-magical variety.